Our Commitment to Sustainability

The DFNI Cruise Conference 2025 is proud to be committed to sustainability.

For 2025, we are proud to work with both Treeapp, the B Corp global tree planting organisation, as well as TRACE BY ISLA, to measure our carbon footprint.

For every graphic shared by our event collaborators, featuring the Treeapp logo, the organisation will plant a tree in Haiti, as part of their reforestation efforts to cultivate nutritious fruits.

Operating globally and with recognition from Sir David Attenborough, Treeapp aims to make both an environmental and socioeconomic impact by planting 200+ different species of tree across 5 continents annually.

The Haitian Reforestation Project tackles the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

  • Gender equality - male to female Ratio 8:24
  • Affordable and clean energy - solar-powered cookstoves introduced
  • Decent work and economic growth - 32 jobs created
  • Life on land - 1,060,000 trees planted

More than 98% of Haiti’s forests have disappeared. Rising agricultural output, cattle farming and deforestation in order to collect firewood have cut deep into Haitian forests. Degraded soils prone to desertification and soil erosion have made the regrowth of woodlands – the habitat of many local species on the brink of extinction – difficult to administer. Treeapp's reforestation in Haiti specifically focuses on agroforestry to sustainably feed the Haitian population, meaning that existing forests are maintained and looked after rather than exploited. Treeapp's planting partner also focuses on reducing the Haitians’ reliance on charcoal and implementing alternative fuel sources such as efficient dry wood stoves and solar parabolic stoves.

The Haiti Reforestation Project implements agroforestry systems in order to protect watersheds and improve food security. The project equips local farmers with the tools and education to successfully grow and maintain local tree nurseries and forests.

A strong emphasis is set on strengthening autonomous management practices for communities in the area so that native residents become stewards of their own forests.

In addition to reforestation activities, the Treeapp planting partner advocates for the maintenance and upkeep of existing forests.Traditional slash- and-burn practices are replaced by more sustainable forestry methods. Charcoal required for cooking fuel has been replaced by solar parabolic stoves and dry wood stoves in order to protect the local woodlands.

Tree take a number of saplings from their Tree nurseries and plant on local-community-owned land.

To ensure their saplings are on track and growing well, Treeapp perform the following:

  • Monthly updates on site developments
  • Phone, video, drone and satellite imagery to see the sapling and tree growth
  • Regular calls with local community, to follow up on planting seasons, current activities, and planned site expansions

The Haitian Reforestation Project results in the higher production of fruits and nuts, contributing to both subsistence farming and commercial agroforestry activities for the local communities.

A total of 22 different species are planted in Treeapp projects.

Apart from the fruits that the trees produce, their roots create a habitat for microorganisms which fertilize agricultural grounds, improving soil fertility for root vegetables to grow. Increasing the number of trees in areas that are relatively bare in forest cover also promotes soil stabilization, preventing landslides and soil erosion caused by storms and flash floods.

Lastly, forests also act as carbon sinks, absorbing large quantities of carbon and therefore mitigating the effects of climate change.


The DFNI Cruise Conference will use TRACE by isla to measure our carbon footprint, a platform which works with our event organisers, suppliers and attendees to measure and minimise carbon at our event.

TRACE is a definitive carbon measurement platform for sustainable events and the industry body driving events to a net zero future. More information about TRACE can be found here.

isla is an action-driven network that is working towards accelerating events to a sustainable future, bringing together expertise from across the entire events sector to give its members confidence, knowledge, and resources needed to deliver sustainable events confidently and consistently. More information about isla can be found here.

Venue Sustainability

Our 2025 venue, the Melia Barcelona Sky takes pride in its commitment to sustainability. As part of the Melia group, the hotel operates under the Travel for GOOD strategy, designed to support sustainable tourism. Click the image below to discover all the projects that Melia are implementing to tackle the problems affecting the environment.